Privacy Policy
This medical practice willingly adheres to the National Privacy Principles introduced into Australia on 21st September 2001 by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, and the Health Records Acts.
- This practice collects only the minimum of private details which are necessary to treat patients safely and to contact them in the event of serious medical matters arising.
- Information collected about patients is privileged and always has been. In this respect, the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 has made no difference whatsoever to the strict principles of confidentiality by which patients’ particulars and health data are handled by this practice.
- A patient may request a copy of their health record (post 21st December 2001), but there will be a charge of $0.40 per printed page or part thereof, payable in advance. A person interviewed and examined by Dr Brazenor for purposes of preparation of a medicolegal report, however, cannot obtain the report or their record directly from Dr Brazenor, but must make the request through their legal representative.
- Should you obtain a copy of your record and dispute the details therein; the amendment will be recorded as such in your record.
- The use of Commonwealth Government identifiers such as the Medicare number or the Veterans’ Affairs number will be used only for billing purposes and patient identification in the requesting and interpreting of investigations.
- Mr Brazenor reserves the right to record some interviews, and if you object to this practice you must declare such during the interview.
- It is the policy of this practice that it is dangerous for a patient to be treated anonymously, and this is not an option in this practice.
- It is the policy of this practice that the provision of printed test results of blood tests, radiological investigations or the like without counsel by a doctor may be hazardous to the patient's health. If you wish to receive a copy or copies of your investigation results it is the firm recommendation of this practice that you receive the results at an appointment with Mr Brazenor who will explain these results to you in context.